Section G: The Validation of Short Courses (Credit Bearing)



G1. Validation of short courses


The University defines a short course as a programme of study which does not lead to an award of the university and has a maximum credit size of 60 credits. Courses with a credit value of more than 60 credits should be approved in accordance with Section B. Schools may incorporate existing modules within short courses.

Schools should notify Registry of proposed course developments by submitting:

  • The Outline Proposal - Key Details Form to Registry
  • For new courses only (not applicable for amendments to existing courses or new routes through existing courses):
    1. A supporting statement from the Director of Marketing, Communications and Student Recruitment confirming the course has been appropriately researched, does not adversely affect the University's funding position
    2. A statement from the International Office’s Immigration and Compliance Manager to confirm that the proposal meets current visa requirements
    3. Confirmation from the Timetabling Manager that the Confirmation from the Timetabling Manager that the proposal is feasible/acceptable given available timetabling resources.

Requests will be considered on a case by case basis and a proportionate event type (as defined in Section B) will be assigned based on the level of risk presented by the proposal.

Where delivery or development involves a partner or organisation external to the university, Schools should contact the QA team in Registry for guidance.


G2. Documentation required for validation

The following is the minimum documentation required for a short course to be validated:

Context of the course

  • Introduction and rationale including an explanation of how the course fits into the existing portfolio of courses, how it will support the strategic plan for School and University, and clear evidence of viability.
  • Statement on resources (signed by the Dean of the School).
  • Course management and staffing structure, including staff CVs (or a link to a staff profile that includes all the necessary information) for the course leader and all staff involved in delivery.
  • A signed resource statement from Computing and Library Services.
  • Confirmation of consultation with Disability Services regarding available support or additional funding requirements to provide support the provision.

Definitive course document
Programme specification (Course Specification Document) with the following appendices:

  • Demonstration of how course learning outcomes map onto all modules.
  • Demonstration of how course learning outcomes map onto the relevant Subject Benchmark Statements (or QAA Characteristic Statement)
  • Demonstration of how course learning outcomes map onto any external Regulatory and/or Professional Body requirements (where appropriate).
  • Outline assessment schedule showing the nature of the assessments, their week of submission, clearly identifying the final assessment submission for the course.
  • For each intake, a delivery schedule for all modules (core, compulsory and optional) identifying the terms of delivery.
  • Confirmation of the weeks of the Main Course Assessment Meetings for each intake and identification of the relevant CAM model in line with the CAM Model guidance.

In addition:

  • All module specification documents (MSDs) that contribute to the course/s.
  • A completed Inclusive Design Checklist for Learning, Teaching and Assessment (to be completed during the early stages of course design and in accordance with the guidance under the University’s Inclusivity framework
  • A draft copy of the course handbook.
  • Where applicable, full report of the School event and confirmation from the Chair of the School panel that any conditions have been met.

Following validation the programme and module specification/s must be published on the University records management system and declared as a record.

G3. Validation procedures

The validation procedures will normally be in accordance with those specified in Section B; however, other Sections may be used where, for example, delivery involves Distance Learning or CP. In cases where the course is also subject to external validation the procedures may be modified to take account of the requirements of the external body and to avoid unnecessary duplication of effort.


G4. Monitoring, Annual evaluation, minor changes and revalidation

Short courses will follow the standard University procedures for annual evaluation, the approval of minor changes to courses and the revalidation of courses as specified in sections L, B and G of this handbook.

Schools will keep a schedule of its portfolio of Short courses and will submit a copy to Registry at the start of the academic year.


G5. Validation of Cross-School Provision

Where courses are being developed across more than one School, the PVC (T&L) may allow a single School-level event to be held with Tier 1 representation from all schools involved in the development. The report from this event will be submitted to the Tier 1 of each school for approval.