At Huddersfield you’ll be taught by stand-out lecturers – meaning you’ll learn from some of the best, helping you to be the best.   

  • The University of Huddersfield has been rated Gold in all three aspects of the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) 2023. We were the only university in Yorkshire and the Humber and the North West to achieve Gold ratings in all three aspects of the TEF among those announced in September 2023.  In fact only 13 other Universities, out of the 96 that were announced in September 2023, were Gold in all three ratings. 
  • Further proof of teaching excellence: our staff rank in the top three in England for the proportion who hold doctorates, who have higher degrees, and hold teaching qualifications (HESA 2022).  
  • We won the first Global Teaching Excellence Award. It recognised the University’s commitment to world-class teaching and its success in developing students as independent learners and critical thinkers (Higher Education Academy, 2017).
  • We are joint first in the country for National Teaching Fellowships, which mark the UK’s best lecturers in Higher Education, winning a total of 23 since 2008 (2024 data).  
  • We were the first and are the only university in the UK where 100% of permanent teaching staff** are Fellows of the Higher Education Academy. 

**Permanent staff, after probation: some recently appointed colleagues will only obtain recognition in the months after their arrival in Huddersfield once they have started teaching. 

Dr Todd Borlik

Being a Shakespeare Specialist, moving from the USA to West Yorkshire – Home of the Brontë Country was an exciting leap and big boost for my research. 

I strive to model an intellectual curiosity and excitement about the texts we study and try to bring them to life in the classroom. When Shakespeare is mumbled in a monotone it turns people off, so it’s vital English students know how to read with emphasis and feeling to pick up the dramatic nuances of the language.  

My module Global Shakespeares challenges the idea of Shakespeare as an exclusively British cultural property. My students read Shakespeare plays alongside adaptations from outside the UK. I was honoured to win the University’s Diversity Prize for this module.  

A profile photo of Todd Borik, a lecturer at the university of huddersfield

Doreen Malcolm 

Before teaching, I worked in local authority early years provisions. I started at practitioner level and then moved into management. I have been teaching for over a decade now, starting my career in a college, before moving to University. 

I work collaboratively with students in the classroom, sharing practical and theoretical expertise, skills and knowledge. I love the buzz and energy when students are busy during activities or when they bring ideas and contributions into the classroom. Visiting students on placement is something I enjoy - especially when I hear how students are valued in the organisation. 

A profile photo of Doreen Malcolm, a lecturer

Lorraine Horton-Smith

I've previously worked in clinical practice as an Operating Department Practitioner in a local hospital. I loved my clinical work and enjoyed teaching learners in practice. I was given the opportunity to be a lecturer practitioner, splitting my time 50/50 between working in practice and teaching at the University.  I had a great experience at the University both as a student and as a lecturer practitioner, so I jumped at the opportunity to come and work here full time. 

I lived in Huddersfield growing up, so I have strong links to the town, and I have done all of my study here.  It sounds a bit strange, but the moment I walked onto campus I got a great feeling about the place, and that hasn’t changed.  

A profile of Lorraine Horton Smith, a lecturer at the university of huddersfield

Business School of the Year 2023

Huddersfield Business School has been named the Business School of the Year at the prestigious Times Higher Education Awards 2023.

Research Excellence Framework

We have world leading research

We’re in the top 50 UK universities for Research Power, and three quarters (over 60%) of all our research is world leading and internationally excellent (REF, 2021). We submitted 589 staff into the Research Excellence Framework in 2021.

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