Tree planting sessions for all University Staff and Students

Tree Planting-banner

The University is working in partnership with White Rose Forest and Kirklees Council on an exciting project to reforest areas of land within the local community, over the next two years. The project will help to remove carbon from the air, reduce flooding, improve air and water quality and increase biodiversity. Please follow the link to find out more about the Kirklees Woodland Creation scheme.

The sessions will help towards completing one of the University's Carbon Neutral Strategies commitments:

1. We will partner with the West Yorkshire Forest to plant at least one tree for every student who enrols with us, including work on urban tree-planting and tree-planting with schools.

I am delighted to see the launch of the University’s tree-planting scheme, offering the chance for students and staff to be part of practical efforts to address the climate emergency. The University has always been keen to ensure its efforts benefit local communities and others from which our students are drawn, and the tree-planting scheme will make a real difference in and around Huddersfield itself.


Tim Thornton, Deputy Vice-Chancellor

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These sessions will be open to all University Staff and Students.

Find out more below;


What will happen on a tree planting session?

  • Attendees will be picked up from the University and transported to the dedicated site.
  • The facilitators 'KindleWoods' will introduce the aims of the project, and give an overview of the session.
  • A toolbox talk, and demonstration of how to plant the various types of trees and saplings will be given.
  • Tree planting begins!
  • A hot drink and snack will be provided.
  • It will finish with a debrief and an opportunity to take photographs.

How long will it last?

The sessions will last for around three and a half hours (12.30PM-4PM), including the transport from the University to the tree planting site, and back again. This may vary slightly depending on the hours of daylight and the distance of the site. The exact times will be shared in the booking confirmation.

What do I need to bring?

All transport, tools, trees, hi-vis, gardening gloves and refreshments will be included.

Attendees are required to wear warm, waterproof, outdoor clothing (thermal layers are great and a hat) and sensible shoes (walking or wellington boots are ideal). You might want to bring a bottle of water too, as it can be thirsty work!

When will the sessions run?

The tree planting season runs from November to March. This is the best time to plant trees, as the trees are dormant and less likely to be damaged.

The sessions will run on Wednesday afternoons (from 12.30PM-4PM), throughout November 2024, February and March 2025.

Who can apply?

The sessions are open to all Staff* and Students at the University.

*Please note Staff will need to get their Line Managers approval before signing up for a session.

All final bookings will be confirmed. In the event of low attendance, bookings may be cancelled or an alternative session offered.




Can the tree planting sessions count towards my Global Professional Award?

Yes they can! It can count towards your GPA Practical Experience Elective modules.

See more about Elective ideas in the Opportunities Catalogue and speak with your GPA contact for further information.


Book a space!

Find out how to book a space on a tree planting session, and see the full range of dates available.


Planting Locations

Where are the trees going to be planted?


Frequently asked questions

Check if your question has an answer here!


If you have any further questions, or would like to make a group booking for the tree planting sessions then please contact the Sustainability team.