Consideration of Personal Circumstances Procedure


8.5 Procedural introduction

8.5.1 You should be aware that extensions to deadlines may have an impact on when you receive feedback and grades, and Extenuating Circumstances (ECs) claims may have an impact on your progression or graduation timeframe.

8.5.2 If you are unsure about whether you need to request an extension to a deadline or submit a claim for Extenuating Circumstances, please seek support from the Student Engagement and Attendance Monitoring Team or the Students’ Union Advice Centre.

8.5.3 The university expects all supporting information to be genuine and submitted in good faith. If the information you submit with your extension request or extenuating circumstances application is determined to be fraudulent, this would be considered as an attempt to gain an unfair academic advantage and as such, you will be referred for investigation under the academic misconduct procedure and or the disciplinary or fitness to practise procedure.

Type of consideration When can I apply? Deadline to complete work Description


Cannot be requested for formal exams or In-class-tests (ICT’s).
Anytime up to the deadline. 5 additional working days. One self-certification permitted for each assessment (which is eligible for an extension) per academic year. Does not require supporting information. 

Extenuating Circumstances

Can be requested for formal exams or In-class-tests (ICT’s).

Up to 5 working days after the deadline has passed. Subsequent assessment period. Requires supporting information. A PLSP may support your claim but it is preferable to provide additional supporting information. 

8.6 Extensions

8.6.1 The University recognises that there may be times when adverse circumstances beyond your direct control, prevent you from completing work to a deadline, and you may be unable or unwilling to provide corroborating supporting information for these circumstances. In these cases, you may request one self-certified short extension for each assessment which is eligible for a request. This will allow you to have 5 working days additional time and should be requested via MyHud using the extension system. You should access this using the Extensions tab. The system guides you through making an application. Your course team can also support you. 

8.6.2 Extension requests will be auto approved permitting they are submitted at any point prior to the assessment submission deadline. Where you do not complete your extension request before the assessment deadline, it will not be approved, will no longer show on the Extensions tab and you will need to apply for an EC if you need more time.  

8.6.3 No extension requests will be accepted after the assessment submission deadline and cannot be accepted for formal exams or in class tests. Schools may differ with restrictions on further assessment types which are not available for extension requests. Please get in touch with your course team for clarification. 

8.6.4  If your extension request was not submitted in time and you have not submitted your work by the assessment deadline, you will receive a non-submission. Your extension will not be approved. Alternatively, any submission of work after the deadline will be capped at the standard pass mark for that assessment in accordance with the Regulations for Awards Taught Students (5.2.4). You may prefer to submit an EC if you think you need longer than 5 additional working days to submit your work.

8.6.5 If following your approved extension request you then find that you cannot meet the new submission deadline, you will need to submit a claim for Extenuating Circumstances.

8.6.6 You are not permitted to appeal against an unsuccessful extension request, this can only be done for EC claims.


8.7 Extenuating Circumstances (EC)

8.7.1 This procedure explains how EC claims and appeals should be submitted and how we will deal with them.

8.7.2 There are deadlines within this procedure and we expect you to observe these unless you have compelling independent evidence to show why you could not do this. We are also expected to meet the deadlines listed below but there will occasionally be times when we are unable to do this for good reason. If so, we will let you know why and keep you informed of progress.

8.7.3 An EC claim cannot be submitted for an assessment that has been offered as a Tutor Re-assessment.

8.7.4 If you are on an apprenticeship course, your employer may be notified of the outcome to the EC claim though the nature and circumstances of your claim will not be shared.


8.8 Making an EC claim

8.8.1 To make a claim you must submit an online EC Claim Form no later than 5 working days after the deadline set for the assessment(s) affected. You can make a claim that you failed to attend or submit for an assessment entirely based on your extenuating circumstances.

8.8.2 We operate a Fit to Sit and Fit to Submit policy which is outlined in full, in section 1.9. This means if you attend and sit an exam/in class test or submit an assessment, we are unlikely to accept a claim for ECs. 

8.8.3 You must submit  supporting information to support your claim for every new set of circumstances. If you have an ongoing chronic condition, you may not have to supply a new medical note unless your circumstances change, for example, your condition deteriorates.

8.8.4 If you have a PLSP in place then you should note that submitting a copy of your PLSP is not normally enough evidence for an EC claim to be approved. Please refer to the section below relating to PLSP’s.


8.9 Personal Learning Support Plan (PLSP)

8.9.1 A PLSP may contain a section with information relating to Extension requests. Please refer to this section of your PLSP before requesting an extension.

8.9.2 A PLSP will not usually be acceptable as sole evidence to support an EC claim because a PLSP shows that reasonable adjustments have been identified and should have already been made. However, to ensure the context of your individual case is fully understood, we will consider your PLSP as part of the EC claim if you ask us to do so.

8.9.3 Where a long-term condition or disability has worsened, then evidence such as a Medical Evidence Form or GP’s letter reporting the specific deterioration or sudden change (including the time period it applies to) will normally be required. The supporting information should describe how you have been affected by the change in your condition. Evidence simply confirming the long-term condition without mention of any changes is normally insufficient. If the circumstances of your disability or condition relating to your PLSP have changed, you should contact Disability Services to discuss your support.

8.9.4 If you are intending to contact Disability Services to request supporting information to confirm a change in your circumstances which have impacted on your assessment deadline, please note, this can only be provided if you have ongoing or regular contact with your adviser or a specialist tutor or mentor. The supporting information must be requested from your Disability Adviser. 


8.10 Assessments and Extenuating Circumstances based on periods of religious fasting and religious observances

8.10.1 The University’s assessment deadlines, including exams, may, from time to time, coincide with a religious holiday or periods of religious fasting. The academic calendar cannot be amended to avoid these periods; however, the University understands that religious observances involving fasting may impact your performance in assessments.

8.10.2 If you are claiming ECs for an assessment deadline you are unable to meet due to the effects of fasting, you need to submit the following;

  • An EC application with accompanying evidence, for example from a medical professional or from a recognised religious authority to support your claim.

8.10.3 If you are claiming ECs for an exam which takes place on a religious holiday which is recognised by the University, you need to submit the following;

  • An EC application detailing the religious holiday AND;
  • Complete the Religious Observance Notification Form and submit it to your course team, no later than 5 working days before the assessment deadline that is being missed.

8.10.4 The University’s ‘fit to sit and fit to Submit policy’ as outlined in section 1.8 means that by attending your examination or submitting your assessment, you are declaring yourself fit to do so and any subsequent claim for an EC is unlikely to be approved. If you feel your performance in an examination is likely to be impacted by fasting and you choose not to attend the examination, you should submit a claim for ECs where you can request to sit the exam in the next scheduled examination period (e.g. in the July resit period for exams scheduled in May).


8.11 The EC Form

8.11.1 To complete the EC Claim Form you will need to tell us:

  • The module code and title (e.g. ABC1000, Business Methods).
  • The type of assessment affected, for example, exam, assessment, in-class test.
  • Further detail about each piece of assessment affected (e.g. 3000 word assignment, 10-minute presentation).
  • The submission dates (this is any final agreed deadline, taking into account any approved extensions).
  • Whether you attempted the assessment or not. If you have attempted the assessment, your EC is unlikely to be approved due to the fit to submit policy.


8.12 Supporting Information

8.12.1 Please read the Supporting information for students Guidance for more detail.

8.12.2 For your EC Claim to be approved you must provide supporting evidence to confirm that your circumstances:

  • Happened at the time of the assessment.
  • Were unforeseeable and you could not have prevented them.
  • Had a significant impact on your ability to study or to undertake an assessment by the due date or undertake an exam / in-class test.

8.12.3 If there is a delay in obtaining this, you should still submit the claim form no later than 5 working days after the deadline for the assessment(s) affected. If your supporting information is delayed, you must tell us:

  • The reasons for the delay.
  • When you expect to provide the information to us by using the supporting statement box on the form.
  • In some exceptional cases we may require evidence to support why a longer delay is needed.

8.12.4 Your EC claim will be logged by your course team for Registry to consider. Registry will then decide whether your claim should be: 

  • Approved;
  • Pended. (This means we have given you more time to provide evidence to support your claim); OR
  • Not Approved.

The details of these decisions are outlined in section 8.17

8.13 Late EC claims

8.13.1 A late EC claim is when you submit a claim more than 5 working days after the deadline(s) of the assessment(s) affected. In this case you will need additional evidence to support why the claim could not have been submitted on time. 


8.14 Possible EC outcomes

8.14.1 You will receive the decision via email. Where your claim is pended or not approved, we will explain why and advise you what to do next.

8.14.2 The outcomes depend on the circumstances of each individual case and the situation can be complex. If you do not understand why we have taken a particular decision, you should contact the Students’ Union Advice Centre for support.

8.14.3 Please note that where your course is subject to the requirements of a Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Body (PSRB), this may limit or restrict the possible outcomes from an approved EC. Please refer to your course material or course leader for clarification.

8.14.4 If your claim is approved, you will be given a new deadline by your school Course Admin team. Details for new deadline are in 8.17. 

8.14.5 If you are trailing a deferral into the subsequent academic year, you will be expected to complete the same assessment activity as originally set. You will not attend the learning again for this module. However, if in exceptional circumstances a module has changed, you will be asked if you would prefer to consent to submitting for the new assessment type(s).  

8.14.6 If this is your first attempt at the module then the table below will explain the possible outcomes available where you have an approved EC. If you are applying for an EC for an assessment you are re-sitting as a resit or if you are fully repeating a module, the overall module will be capped at the minimum pass mark.

8.14.7 If your claim is Approved and this was your first attempt at your assessments, then the below applies:

Scenario Explanation

If you DID NOT PASS the module 

If you did not submit the work, or submitted the work after the deadline and did not manage to pass the module overall based on your other marks 

You will be given a further opportunity to submit the work your module will not be capped at the pass mark. If you submitted after the original deadline with an approved EC, this work will not be processed for marking.

If you PASSED the module 

If you did not submit the work,  or submitted the work after the deadline but managed to pass the module overall based on your other marks 

You will be given two options:  

  1. You will be given the opportunity to submit the unsubmitted work if you want to do so, usually by the next deferral or referral submission deadline. If you do, you will submit as normal and any mark you receive will be added to your module mark.
  2. If you choose not to submit the work then your current module mark will stand and you will be given an ‘unretrieved EC’ which means we will consider your profile when awarding your degree. We will take this ‘unretrieved EC’ into account if your overall performance means you are at the borderline between classifications (See the Regulations for Awards Section 6.7 for the use of the classification discretion band). 

If you submitted after the original deadline with an approved EC, this work will not be processed for marking. 

8.16.7 If your claim is approved but it is not your first attempt at the assessment(s) then the table above applies but your overall mark(s) will be capped at the minimum pass mark.

8.16.8 If your claim is not approved the original mark for the attempt you made at the assessment will stand, even if the mark is 0 because you did not submit.

8.16.9 If your claim is pended we will tell you why your claim cannot be considered and you will be asked to provide further detail and/or evidence to support your claim. This means you have been given you more time to provide evidence to support your claim. This is normally 10 working days. Once your evidence has been submitted it will be considered and your claim will either be approved or not approved;

8.16.10 Your claim may be partially approved or partially not approved meaning some areas of your claim will be accepted whilst others may not. If this happens we will explain the decision to you.

8.16.11 If you have an approved EC claim and proceed to submit either on time or after the deadline, your EC will be normally be revoked. This is in accordance with the fit to submit policy outlined in section 1.8.

  • If you submit after the published deadline, but within 5 working days your mark will be capped at the minimum pass mark.  

8.16.12 If you submit any later than 5 working days after the published deadline your mark will be recorded as a non-submission.  


8.17 EC New Deadlines

8.17.1 If your EC claim is approved, you will be given a revised deadline during the standard resit period after the main CAM or during the final deferral period after the resit CAM, at the end of summer. 

8.17.2  It is your responsibility to confirm the new submission date with your school.

8.17.3 For ECs submitted for in-class tests or exams which take place before the main exam period, you will be notified of your new deadline; this is usually during the standard re-sit period after the main CAM.

8.17.4 If you carry deferrals past the main CAM period, you should be aware that they may have a significant impact on your progression or award timeframe. You should discuss this with your course team to ensure that you fully understand the impact of your new deadline(s) and the progression and/or award regulations.


8.18 EC appeal procedure

8.18.1 There is no appeal route for an Extension request that is not approved. If your Extension request is not approved then you should consider submitting a claim for Extenuating Circumstances.

8.18.2 If you decide to appeal an EC decision, you must do so no later than 10 working days from the date that we emailed you with the outcome. You should complete the EC Appeal Form.doc and submit it to

8.18.3 You must complete all necessary sections of the Appeal Form. If you do not complete the form correctly and submit your independent evidence promptly, this will delay our consideration of your appeal or we may not uphold it.

8.18.4 You must submit independent evidence to support your appeal. If there is a delay in obtaining the evidence, you should still submit the appeal form no later than 10 working days from the date of the outcome and tell us what your evidence consists of and when you expect to provide it to us.

8.18.5 If you submit your appeal later than 10 working days after the date your outcome was sent to you, you will need to provide independent evidence to explain why you could not have submitted your appeal to us any sooner. This is in addition to the evidence required to support your appeal. If you do not send us appropriate independent evidence to allow your late appeal to be considered, your appeal will be not be approved on the basis that it was submitted late. No further details of your appeal will be considered.

8.18.6 For your EC appeal to be upheld, you must provide independent evidence to demonstrate at least one of the following grounds:

  • There was an irregularity in how your original claim for ECs was handled and it materially affected the outcome; or
  • You have submitted new supporting information that for a good reason, could not have been provided for your original claim and it would have materially affected the outcome.

8.18.7 Your EC Appeal will be considered by a member of Registry staff who was not involved in the consideration of your original claim. If unsuccessful, we will issue a Completion of Procedures Letter to you within 20 working days of the date you submitted the appeal and all supporting evidence. You should read the content of the letter carefully and discuss the outcome with your School immediately.

8.18.8 If your appeal is approved:

  • It may have an impact on your results profile.
  • It may alter the number of attempts you are permitted for an assessment.

8.18.9 If your appeal is not approved:

  • You may wish to discuss the outcome with the Students’ Union Advice Centre who can independently guide you through the decision.
  • You may request an independent review of the decision (please see below).


8.19 OIA: Independent review of the EC appeal decision

8.19.1 Our appeal decision is final and there are no further appeal stages within the University. If you wish to request an independent review of our final decision, you should contact the Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA) within 12 months of the date of the completion of procedures letter.