Welcome to your new style PGR programme handbook, where we will share information and guidance to support you in key aspects of your research degree programme.
Find out more about the supervision you will receive.
Your research support plan and skills audit assessment
Find out more about your Research Support Plan.
Progression Monitoring
Find out more about your progression monitoring assessments.
Changes to your research project
If the direction of your research changes significantly you will need to declare this.
Additional time at the end of your programmme
If you have not completed all of your research or you need more time to write up your work, you may be able to apply for additional time.
Preparing and submitting your thesis
Find out more about preparing your thesis submission, what is Turnitin and your final examination.
Extensions and interruptions
We always hope that your time with us goes smoothly, but we do recognise that there can be many challenges that arise and we are here to help if they do.
PGR engagement and attendance
Regulations, procedure and forms.
PGR assessment appeals
Regulations, procedure and forms.
PGR research misconduct
Regulations, procedure and forms.
Support to study
Regulations, procedure and forms.
Student complaints
Regulations, procedure and forms.
Student disciplinary
Regulations, procedure and forms.
Precautionary Measures
Regulations, procedure and forms.
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