Our Student Charter: A Partnership for Success

Education has the Power to Transform Lives

Together at Huddersfield we will share excellent opportunities for learning so that the challenge of Higher Education is embraced. We all aspire to realise our full potential and excel in what we do. 

University Mission

To deliver an accessible and inspirational learning experience, to undertake pioneering research and professional practice, and to engage fully with employers and the community. 

Union Mission

To make student life better:

1.    All staff and students are part of the same University community and need to demonstrate        respect for that community. We will all treat each other fairly and equitably and with respect. 

2.    The University is a place where people become independent, resilient and successful learners. 

3.    We engage in a shared learning experience to advance academic and professional knowledge.

4.    The University journey takes many different pathways – all are valued. 

5.    We work together to develop people with the attributes to forge successful lives and careers.

6.    The University, the Union and your fellow students will be here to support you through the transformative process of education. 


Vice-Chancellor on behalf of Senate        SU President on behalf of the                      

                                                                  Students' Union
Professor Bob Cryan                                  Wamick Aijaz