SECTION 3: Approved Prior Learning (APL)


3.1 The University guidelines on the assessment of APL claims for enrolment on taught courses

3.1.1. Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL) is a process which allows a student to gain academic credits from prior learning or experience outside of education. Students may be admitted with credit for prior learning to courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate level in two forms, Accreditation of Prior Certified Learning (APCL) or Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL). Students who wish to make a claim should be allocated a tutor to advise them on and support them through the process.

3.1.2. We may recognise prior learning that has taken place for credit achieved previously at the University of Huddersfield on another course; at another educational institution; or through wider experience, e.g. in the workplace. APL is considered on an individual basis and is a process where students are exempted from some parts of their chosen course of academic study by recognition of their learning from previous experiences or achievements. The credit is considered and confirmed by the Tier 1 Accreditation and Validation Panel and will be shown on a student’s final transcript as APL credit.

3.1.3. APL for courses regulated by a Professional Statutory Regulatory Body (PSRB) or degree apprenticeship may be subject to further or alternative requirements. Students are advised to contact their admissions team in this instance for information.

3.1.4. We will assess the comparability of certificated learning or conduct an assessment to show the equivalence of experiential learning. This assessment will determine whether the student has the requisite knowledge to be exempted from parts of the course. We reserve the right to verify the validity of any documentation provided as part of this process.

3.1.5. Accreditation of Prior Certified Learning (APCL)

A process through which a student can claim academic credit for prior certified learning achieved from an accredited course at another institution. Claims may be considered for previously obtained credit to be used as APL towards a new award where the previously obtained credits:

  • were awarded by or outside of the University of Huddersfield;
  • match core credit(s) that form part of the new award.

3.1.6. Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL)
A process through which a student can claim academic credit for prior learning acquired through experience gained (for example) in the workplace.


3.2 Limitation on credit for prior learning and its contribution to an award

3.2.1. APL can contribute a maximum of two thirds of the credit value of the new award for all Undergraduate and Postgraduate taught courses. Specifically, for undergraduate students, no more than 20 credits can be used as APL at H level and for integrated master’s students, no more than 80 credits may be used as APL at H level. Requirements within this limit may vary for different courses.

3.2.2. If a student has been admitted onto a course with approved APL, but does not successfully complete the course, they may be awarded the appropriate interim award if they have earned sufficient credit at the University of Huddersfield to be eligible, inclusive of the APL on their record. This is not classified.

Example: An undergraduate student has 120 F level credits from another university approved as APL, then earns 120 UoH credits at I level but fails their H level modules. Once the CAM has ratified failure of the course, a Diploma of Higher Education would be awarded.

3.2.3. Accreditation can only be sought against whole modules. Mapping is carried out against individual or a group of modules, including against a full year of a course.

3.2.4. Accreditation on stand-alone top-up degree courses or for Sandwich credit is not permitted.

3.2.5. In cases where APL is awarded, the student will receive the credit but no mark will be recorded. As no mark is recorded, the APL credit will not be used to calculate the final degree classification. Any credit awarded by a provider other than the University of Huddersfield, will not be used for classification purposes, however where a student uses credit previously awarded by the University of Huddersfield in their APL, the classification is calculated as per 3.3.1.  


3.3. The use of credit previously awarded by The University of Huddersfield 

3.3.1. For students returning to complete their undergraduate honours degree having previously accepted an interim award from the University of Huddersfield, classification will include those intermediate and honours level modules which formed part of the interim award. The previous interim award must be rescinded for the student to begin their new course of study. The final degree classification will be calculated using the standard algorithm and will include the marks obtained previously, where appropriate. Students must have achieved a pass mark in all modules.

3.3.2. For students returning to complete their postgraduate taught degree having previously accepted a postgraduate interim award from the University of Huddersfield, classification will include those modules which formed part of the interim award. Students must have achieved a pass mark in all modules. The previous interim award must be rescinded for the student to begin their new course of study. The final degree classification will be calculated using the standard algorithm and will include the marks you obtained previously, where appropriate.

3.3.3. If a postgraduate or undergraduate student returns at a later date to the University to complete the same course for which they were withdrawn, any modules which were failed and are now being repeated will be capped at the minimum pass mark. If a student is returning to the University on a new course for which they have not yet studied or failed a module, they will not be capped.

3.3.4. Normally, if a student returns to complete their degree there is no limit on the number of credits they have achieved previously, or have left to achieve to come back and complete their study. However, the existing credit must have been awarded within the past six years in order to be deemed current.

3.3.5. The University will not normally consider applications to re-join the University to complete a previous course if the past credit or experience has been gained more than 6 years prior to the year of application.

3.3.6. If a previous student from the University of Huddersfield returns to study a different course where modules for APL consideration can be mapped to match the core credits of the new award, the usual APL requirements apply as per 3.5.1.


3.4. When and how to submit an APL claim

3.4.1. A student wishing to make a claim for prior credit or learning to be used towards an award of the University should submit a claim and supporting evidence through the admissions procedure.

3.4.2. A claim should normally be submitted during the application process and before the student joins the course. Applications for credit can be considered and approved in advance of a student’s registration or during their studies with exceptional agreement by the Tier 1 AVP.

3.4.3. Normally, it is a requirement that all Tier 1 AVPs receive the full set of documentation for advanced entry claims by the start of term and for all such claims to have been processed as soon as possible thereafter.

3.4.4. The form and the recommendation are submitted for approval to the Tier 1 AVP and the student should be informed in writing of the outcome.

3.4.5. Approved credit will be recorded in the student record system promptly, no later than the end of the student’s first term of study. In cases where an APL claim is rejected, the Tier 1 AVP must clarify whether a resubmission of the claim would be permitted. In the instance where a student would like to query a rejected APL claim, they should contact the admissions team.

3.4.6. Any claim for credit which will permit advanced entry to the course is to be concluded promptly so that a student can be confident that they have entered the course at the correct point.


3.5 Time Limits on the use of APL

3.5.1. The University will not normally consider any previous credit or experience which has been gained more than 6 years prior to the year of application. This applies to both APCL and APEL.


3.6 Accreditation of Prior Certified Learning (APCL) requirements

3.6.1. A student wishing to make an APCL application should be asked to complete a claim form and provide accompanying evidence. This would typically include some or all of the following:

  • relevant course certificates and/or letters confirming grades and courses completed;
  • copies of course materials, handbooks, timetables or other related documents;
  • marking schemes and feedback sheets for assessments;
  • transcripts of accredited training
  • Coursework and other assessed work is not acceptable evidence.

3.6.2. In the case of APCL, a designated tutor may require a meeting with the student to examine the equivalency and legitimacy of the qualification(s) in terms of:

  • the level of the previous study;
  • the content of the curriculum and its learning outcomes;
  • the currency of the award;
  • confirmation of that the award has been conferred (certificate and transcript).


3.7 Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) requirements

3.7.1. A student wishing to make an APEL application should be asked to complete a claim form and provide accompanying evidence. This would usually take the form of a portfolio comprising a collection of evidence to demonstrate how the experience maps against the learning outcomes of the modules for which credit is being requested. This would typically include some of or all of the following:

  • Letters of support from current and/or previous managers;
  • A personal statement describing the student’s experience and why it is relevant in terms of the learning outcomes of the modules for which APL is being claimed. This will demonstrate the learning, knowledge and skills appropriate to the academic credit that being claimed;
  • Evidence that supports the statement – such as copies of presentations, reports or projects undertaken in a previous employment.

3.7.2. In discussion with the student, a tutor may conclude that a format other than a portfolio is appropriate. This may be a reflective account of the learning achieved or a performance-based assessment. In such cases, the proposed format should be agreed by the Chair of the Tier 1 Accreditation and Validation Panel before being confirmed with the student.