Below is the general University contact information.

Postal address

West Yorkshire

University of Huddersfield switchboard

Phone number: +44 (0)1484 422288

Lines are open from Monday to Thursday between 8:30am and 5:00pm and on Friday between 08:30am - 4:00pm.

Alternative telephone number +44 (0) 330 1232288 (calls to this number are charged at the national rate).

Useful contacts

Service (click for website) Description Contact Open times
Student Recruitment Team We can answer enquiries (from UK applicants) about applying for a course to study at the University of Huddersfield. Enquiries from International applicants should be sent to the International Office

+44 (0)1484 472625.

Responding to Telephone calls   

Monday to Friday 10.00am – 4.00pm. 

International Office The International Office can help all international students with applications, visa/immigration questions and help you get the best student experience.

+44 (0) 1484 957505

International Student Experience Team – Online Drop-In Service

Student Finance We are here to offer help and advice regarding tuition fee costs, the payment of tuition fees for Home and EU students, Student Finance England, and to help you make payment or set up approved payment arrangements with the University.

+44 (0)1484 472210

Responding to Telephone calls
Monday to Friday 10am – 4.30pm.
HudLets HudLets is a student accommodation office run by Huddersfield Students’ Union and works with halls of residences and private landlords to ensure you as a student, have access to high quality accommodation at a fair price during your studies.

01484 258601


Floor 5, Student Central, Monday to Thursday - 8am – 4pm and Friday 8am – 3pm
Student Records We can answer enquiries (from UK applicants/students) about enrolling/re-registering onto a course at the University of Huddersfield. We can also answer enquiries about how we assess your fee status when you apply for a place on a course here. International applicants/students should contact the International Office.

+44 (0)1484 473330

Responding to Telephone calls
Monday to Friday 10am – 4.30pm.
Students’ Union The Students’ Union can help you with everything about student life, from our independent advice to ways to get involved and make friends.

+44 (0)1484 473555

Responding to emails. 

Monday to Friday 10am – 5pm.
Unable to take telephone calls at present.

More information 

You can contact individual members of staff through the University's online contacts directory.